Walk on the Wild Side
The essence of the “Wild Side” landscape vision is new farming methods that will transform the site into an official “High Nature Value” area. This designation describes certain types of agriculture that increase the biodiversity and ecological health of farmland. This plan has three layers. First, a network of hedgerows is re-established on existing parcel […]
Redesigning the urban fringe: culture + ecology = new landscape park for Utrecht’s green ring
8mb PDF_Jacques_Abelman_Landscape Park Proposal Project Brief from instructor Patrick McCabe ( www.redscape.nl ) Based on the classic Dutch concept of compact city, Utrecht has undergone major transformations in the last ten years. Intensification of urban areas, the realisation of Leidse Rijn (VINEX) and countless large infrastructure projects have been key steps in the city’s ambition […]
Projects at the Academy are completed in eight weeks bursts and done mostly at night, so they require immense drive and conentration; at the end of the project period all students post their work in the halls of the school and groups of professors walk around judging the work. You are given about ten minutes […]
Celebrating at DS…
Today I went back to my old place of work, DS Landscape Architects, for a celebratory lunch. Two of my colleagues recently returned from Paris with a two kilo côte de boeuf which provided the foundation of our lunch time feast – fried in butter, of course, and accompanied with a fall mushroom risotto and […]